Saturday, 31 December 2016

A New Year, A New Start!


Page 1 of 365.

We didn't realize we were making memories. We just know we were having fun! 2016 has finally coming to end. I'll not cry over the bad days, I'll not despair over the failures, I'll not forget the lessons I learnt, I'll not let any incidents in the past discourages me & I'll never stop believing in love. 

2016 has taught me that it's not what I have in my life but who i have in my life that counts. It's sad when the people who gave you memories becomes memory. Last year, I've become close to people I've never imagine knowing and lost people who I thought would forever be there for me. I didn't plan this to happened but Allah has better plans instead. HE wouldn't let anyone come and go out of my life for nothing. I'm just grateful for those who stays. 

It's time to turn our lives around with a whole host of simple but important changes that will make us happier!

  1. Do not skip solat. 5 times a day is a must! Don't forget to solat sunat too!
  2. Don't forget to make du'a! Allah is always there to listen.
  3. Be a good daughter to my parents, appreciate them and love them. They're not getting younger so spend more time with them.
  4. Don’t overthink everything! Sometimes it’s okay for things to go wrong or people to not like me. I realized there's nothing interesting about being perfect. I'll just be myself.
  5. Stop obsessing over text messages he/she sends me and just live my life. If they want to text, they will. I'll always reply their text messages. 
  6. When my friends say ‘Let’s meet up soon’, I'll do it! I'll try to find a day or two to meet them. I haven't seen them for ages so I thought we could catch up for a movies or a lunch date.
  7. I'll use my trainers to exercise 3 times a week instead of just buying them because they make me look cool. I'll make an 'exercise schedule' too!

I hope 2017 will be another good year for me and perhaps, a better year for me! I hope it's not too late for me to say HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! May Allah bless you and showers you every day with love! 

*P/s: I'll be back with more stories. Stay tuned!

Location: Klang, Selangor, Malaysia


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