"This world is filled with toxic people!"
They're called 'HATERS'. It’s just impossible to avoid them! They’re always there with something to say about what you do, how you dress, what you say and so on. They always think they’re better than you! Oh please! Why are they like that? I don't have the answer. There’s just no reasoning with people like that!
When someone is hating on you, there must be some reason behind it. Maybe they’re insecure of themselves or maybe they just have an anger issue. Who knows, right? Either way, don’t take it personally. Always remember that their problems with you are THEIR problems, not yours.
If someone’s taking the time to hate on you or what ever you do, then just take it. You can't do anything. It really means that they just care enough to know everything about you. It also means they have nothing going on in their own lives. Indeed, they're just LIFELESS!
"Haters are like crickets! They make a lot of noise. You can hear them but you can't see them. When you walk right by them, they suddenly get quiet."
Don’t let that negative aura get in your way! Focus on the good. Pay attention to the positive things that are happening in your life rather than the people who are trying to bring you down!
I know they're getting on your nerves but don’t get heated and don’t fight back! It may be tempting, but just ignore them! They're trying to get your attention. You don’t need to waste your time arguing with those people. Useless!
"Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
This is true! If you’re being hated on, don’t hate back because it can turn into a serious issues. Just be kind and spread love no matter what. Kill 'em with kindness!
I know this is cliche but good really does always triumph over evil. Be the hero, not the villain! The world needs more good people so don’t let the bad get to you.
To put into a nutshell, not everyone is going to like you, not everyone is going to favor you or the things you do but you can’t just give up because of it! They can't tear you down!
*P/s: Despite having mid term test, I finally have the chance to write and post this. And now I got to go cause I haven't read a single notes and didn't prepare anything for the test. I'll be back soon. Stay tuned!
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